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  • resp_status() retrieves the numeric HTTP status code

  • resp_status_desc() retrieves the brief textual description.

  • resp_is_error() returns TRUE if the status code represents an error (i.e. a 4xx or 5xx status).

  • resp_check_status() turns HTTPs errors into R errors.

These functions are mostly for internal use because in most cases you will only ever see a 200 response:

  • 1xx are handled internally by curl.

  • 3xx redirects are automatically followed. You will only see them if you have deliberately suppressed redirects with req |> req_options(followlocation = FALSE).

  • 4xx client and 5xx server errors are automatically turned into R errors. You can stop them from being turned into R errors with req_error(), e.g. req |> req_error(is_error = ~ FALSE).





resp_check_status(resp, info = NULL, error_call = caller_env())



A httr2 response object, created by req_perform().


A character vector of additional information to include in the error message. Passed to rlang::abort().


The execution environment of a currently running function, e.g. caller_env(). The function will be mentioned in error messages as the source of the error. See the call argument of abort() for more information.


  • resp_status() returns a scalar integer

  • resp_status_desc() returns a string

  • resp_is_error() returns TRUE or FALSE

  • resp_check_status() invisibly returns the response if it's ok; otherwise it throws an error with class httr2_http_{status}.


# An HTTP status code you're unlikely to see in the wild:
resp <- response(418)
resp |> resp_is_error()
#> [1] TRUE
resp |> resp_status()
#> [1] 418
resp |> resp_status_desc()
#> [1] "I'm a teapot"