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  • req_body_file() sends a local file.

  • req_body_raw() sends a string or raw vector.

  • req_body_json() sends JSON encoded data. Named components of this data can later be modified with req_body_json_modify().

  • req_body_form() sends form encoded data.

  • req_body_multipart() creates a multi-part body.

Adding a body to a request will automatically switch the method to POST.


req_body_raw(req, body, type = NULL)

req_body_file(req, path, type = NULL)

  auto_unbox = TRUE,
  digits = 22,
  null = "null",
  type = "application/json",

req_body_json_modify(req, ...)

req_body_form(.req, ..., .multi = c("error", "comma", "pipe", "explode"))

req_body_multipart(.req, ...)


req, .req

A request.


A literal string or raw vector to send as body.


MIME content type. You shouldn't generally need to specify this as the defaults are usually pretty good, e.g. req_body_file() will guess it from the extension of of path. Will be ignored if you have manually set a Content-Type header.


Path to file to upload.


Data to include in body.


Should length-1 vectors be automatically "unboxed" to JSON scalars?


How many digits of precision should numbers use in JSON?


Should NULL be translated to JSON's null ("null") or an empty list ("list").


<dynamic-dots> Name-data pairs used to send data in the body.

  • For req_body_form(), the values must be strings (or things easily coerced to strings);

  • For req_body_multipart() the values must be strings or objects produced by curl::form_file()/curl::form_data().

  • For req_body_json_modify(), any simple data made from atomic vectors and lists.

req_body_json() uses this argument differently; it takes additional arguments passed on to jsonlite::toJSON().


Controls what happens when an element of ... is a vector containing multiple values:

  • "error", the default, throws an error.

  • "comma", separates values with a ,, e.g. ?x=1,2.

  • "pipe", separates values with a |, e.g. ?x=1|2.

  • "explode", turns each element into its own parameter, e.g. ?x=1&x=2.

If none of these functions work, you can alternatively supply a function that takes a character vector and returns a string.


A modified HTTP request.


req <- request(example_url()) |>

# Most APIs expect small amounts of data in either form or json encoded:
req |>
  req_body_form(x = "A simple text string") |>
#> POST /post HTTP/1.1
#> Host:
#> User-Agent: httr2/1.0.3 r-curl/5.2.1 libcurl/7.81.0
#> Accept: */*
#> Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, br, zstd
#> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
#> Content-Length: 28
#> x=A%20simple%20text%20string

req |>
  req_body_json(list(x = "A simple text string")) |>
#> POST /post HTTP/1.1
#> Host:
#> User-Agent: httr2/1.0.3 r-curl/5.2.1 libcurl/7.81.0
#> Accept: */*
#> Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, br, zstd
#> Content-Type: application/json
#> Content-Length: 28
#> {"x":"A simple text string"}

# For total control over the body, send a string or raw vector
req |>
  req_body_raw("A simple text string") |>
#> POST /post HTTP/1.1
#> Host:
#> User-Agent: httr2/1.0.3 r-curl/5.2.1 libcurl/7.81.0
#> Accept: */*
#> Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, br, zstd
#> Content-Length: 20
#> A simple text string

# There are two main ways that APIs expect entire files
path <- tempfile()
writeLines(letters[1:6], path)

# You can send a single file as the body:
req |>
  req_body_file(path) |>
#> POST /post HTTP/1.1
#> Host:
#> User-Agent: httr2/1.0.3 r-curl/5.2.1 libcurl/7.81.0
#> Accept: */*
#> Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, br, zstd
#> Content-Length: 12
#> a
#> b
#> c
#> d
#> e
#> f

# You can send multiple files, or a mix of files and data
# with multipart encoding
req |>
  req_body_multipart(a = curl::form_file(path), b = "some data") |>
#> POST /post HTTP/1.1
#> Host:
#> User-Agent: httr2/1.0.3 r-curl/5.2.1 libcurl/7.81.0
#> Accept: */*
#> Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, br, zstd
#> Content-Length: 316
#> Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------d4d7e93d6ffe76a5
#> --------------------------d4d7e93d6ffe76a5
#> Content-Disposition: form-data; name="a"; filename="file17bc42c89f28"
#> Content-Type: application/octet-stream
#> a
#> b
#> c
#> d
#> e
#> f
#> --------------------------d4d7e93d6ffe76a5
#> Content-Disposition: form-data; name="b"
#> some data
#> --------------------------d4d7e93d6ffe76a5--