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Given a list of requests, this function performs each in turn, returning a list of responses. It's the serial equivalent of req_perform_parallel().


  paths = NULL,
  on_error = c("stop", "return", "continue"),
  progress = TRUE



A list of requests.


An optional character vector of paths, if you want to download the response bodies to disk. If supplied, must be the same length as reqs.


What should happen if one of the requests fails?

  • stop, the default: stop iterating with an error.

  • return: stop iterating, returning all the successful responses received so far, as well as an error object for the failed request.

  • continue: continue iterating, recording errors in the result.


Display a progress bar for the status of all requests? Use TRUE to turn on a basic progress bar, use a string to give it a name, or see progress_bars to customize it in other ways. Not compatible with req_progress(), as httr2 can only display a single progress bar at a time.


A list, the same length as reqs, containing responses and possibly error objects, if on_error is "return" or "continue" and one of the responses errors. If on_error is "return" and it errors on the ith request, the ith element of the result will be an error object, and the remaining elements will be NULL. If on_error is "continue", it will be a mix of requests and error objects.

Only httr2 errors are captured; see req_error() for more details.


# One use of req_perform_sequential() is if the API allows you to request
# data for multiple objects, you want data for more objects than can fit
# in one request.
req <- request("")

# Imagine we have 50 ids:
ids <- sort(sample(100, 50))

# But the API only allows us to request 10 at time. So we first use split
# and some modulo arithmetic magic to generate chunks of length 10
chunks <- unname(split(ids, (seq_along(ids) - 1) %/% 10))

# Then we use lapply to generate one request for each chunk:
reqs <- chunks |> lapply(\(idx) req |> req_url_query(id = idx, .multi = "comma"))

# Then we can perform them all and get the results
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
resps <- reqs |> req_perform_sequential()
resps_data(resps, \(resp) resp_body_json(resp))
} # }