A bearer token gives the bearer access to confidential resources (so you should keep them secure like you would with a user name and password). They are usually produced by some large authentication scheme (like the various OAuth 2.0 flows), but you are sometimes given then directly.
- req
A httr2 request object.
- token
A bearer token
A modified HTTP request.
See also
See RFC 6750 for more details about bearer token usage with OAuth 2.0.
req <- request("http://example.com") |> req_auth_bearer_token("sdaljsdf093lkfs")
#> <httr2_request>
#> GET http://example.com
#> Headers:
#> • Authorization: <REDACTED>
#> Body: empty
# httr2 does its best to redact the Authorization header so that you don't
# accidentally reveal confidential data. Use `redact_headers` to reveal it:
print(req, redact_headers = FALSE)
#> <httr2_request>
#> GET http://example.com
#> Headers:
#> • Authorization: "Bearer sdaljsdf093lkfs"
#> Body: empty