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oauth_client_req_auth() authenticates a request using the authentication strategy defined by the auth and auth_param arguments to oauth_client(). This is used to authenticate the client as part of the OAuth flow, not to authenticate a request on behalf of a user.

There are three built-in strategies:

  • oauth_client_req_body() adds the client id and (optionally) the secret to the request body, as described in Section 2.3.1 of RFC 6749.

  • oauth_client_req_header() adds the client id and secret using HTTP basic authentication with the Authorization header, as described in Section 2.3.1 of RFC 6749.

  • oauth_client_jwt_rs256() adds a client assertion to the body using a JWT signed with jwt_sign_rs256() using a private key, as described in Section 2.2 of RFC 7523.

You will generally not call these functions directly but will instead specify them through the auth argument to oauth_client(). The req and client parameters are automatically filled in; other parameters come from the auth_params argument.


oauth_client_req_auth(req, client)

oauth_client_req_auth_header(req, client)

oauth_client_req_auth_body(req, client)

oauth_client_req_auth_jwt_sig(req, client, claim, size = 256, header = list())



A httr2 request object.


An oauth_client.


Claim set produced by jwt_claim().


Size, in bits, of sha2 signature, i.e. 256, 384 or 512. Only for HMAC/RSA, not applicable for ECDSA keys.


A named list giving additional fields to include in the JWT header.


A modified HTTP request.


# Show what the various forms of client authentication look like
req <- request("")

client1 <- oauth_client(
  id = "12345",
  secret = "56789",
  token_url = "",
  name = "oauth-example",
  auth = "body" # the default
# calls oauth_client_req_auth_body()
req_dry_run(oauth_client_req_auth(req, client1))
#> POST /whoami HTTP/1.1
#> accept: */*
#> accept-encoding: deflate, gzip, br, zstd
#> content-length: 35
#> content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
#> host:
#> user-agent: httr2/ r-curl/6.2.1 libcurl/8.5.0
#> client_id=12345&client_secret=56789

client2 <- oauth_client(
  id = "12345",
  secret = "56789",
  token_url = "",
  name = "oauth-example",
  auth = "header"
# calls oauth_client_req_auth_header()
req_dry_run(oauth_client_req_auth(req, client2))
#> GET /whoami HTTP/1.1
#> accept: */*
#> accept-encoding: deflate, gzip, br, zstd
#> authorization: <REDACTED>
#> host:
#> user-agent: httr2/ r-curl/6.2.1 libcurl/8.5.0

client3 <- oauth_client(
  id = "12345",
  key = openssl::rsa_keygen(),
  token_url = "",
  name = "oauth-example",
  auth = "jwt_sig",
  auth_params = list(claim = jwt_claim())
# calls oauth_client_req_auth_header_jwt_sig()
req_dry_run(oauth_client_req_auth(req, client3))
#> POST /whoami HTTP/1.1
#> accept: */*
#> accept-encoding: deflate, gzip, br, zstd
#> content-length: 623
#> content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
#> host:
#> user-agent: httr2/ r-curl/6.2.1 libcurl/8.5.0
#> client_assertion=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3NDAxNzgzNzQsIm5iZiI6MTc0MDE3ODA3NCwiaWF0IjoxNzQwMTc4MDc0LCJqdGkiOiIxeDA5N0d2UjRYVVNPUkFPNUlWMGVoMVVhbmt2VWpHTWR5dVplcndyREswIn0.Azb9s_L3nM_xgkRI9WinOL13cjwGCFf_XuAfp2FkmUJVkx7TeqOLDr4JkVk-RNg50ArdFTKzJxPoX5ol9-Vx9-G7ykOJuV-974ljQU4fRoM7DsdCjf83dq1As3I-_L8ddFAXmgWkN3zKYx0ic9hoL3VCCxT3irrg0R4pfM672zETwSDYYTizCI2YWSsitMKxQWz-BzMsLyGzbhdZ40LLG8LjdMpfI2ewPHM6SCbJxzWjkGFq3Xy4vzREMRAT8MZOoTrF9TqBvr96GAlEHpOzMZsXW7Tlcwv_B_Zv0KUfNFHG7AczgRSLx0CmgL88Ci85gwFOrOi7exEGPh787hf89w&client_assertion_type=urn%3Aietf%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Aclient-assertion-type%3Ajwt-bearer